Posting a specific – Originally Published on 31/08/2011
First and foremost, this is my style of writing and I'm going to try and stick to it. I know it'll probably change depending on how I'm feeling but no more lofty thoughts the same way I did before. Now don't get me wrong, I am certain that I will eventually get into that kind of mood that makes me feel like a preacher expounding on an idea. I'll try to avoid it, but some things just strike me as something that needs to be pondered and blogs seem like a good place to ponder things.
Secondly, for once I'm actually going to finish what I start. Now, it's not that I don't finish things when I start them, I do, but usually several years down the road and I'm sick of that. I'm going to get this novel written, period end of story, if I need to blog when I'm having trouble then I'll get it out, complain or share my blocks and then hopefully move on. This thing is going to get written and then (ack) rewritten or edited as necessary. Now the hard part will be to balance keeping the book itself somewhat secret (as I don't want anyone mad at me for taking one of their ideas, there's a whole kettle of fish to avoid!), while still utilizing what I'm trying to do with blogging.
Finally, I'm going to add every other project I'm working on in one way, shape or form on here. I'll probably also add what I think about movies, books, food and anything else I feel like reviewing so I can use the thoughts later in my books and films (yes, I try screenwriting too, I'm working on that right now as well ugh... why do I do this to myself? Oh right, because I can't stop... oh well, moving on). Plus maybe give some interesting ideas to others. The web's a fun thing, why not use the sociability of it?
So that's it for my first post, not terribly exciting or even really informative but hopefully it'll be really useful for me and maybe interesting to those who end up reading it. I'll try not to post about things that aren't all that interesting, but at the very least the blog keeps me writing so at the very, very least at least I'll still be writing something!
Writing’s worst enemy – Originally Published on 31/08/2011
Needless to say I spend way too much time on there waiting for deliveries when I should be sitting down at my desk and writing out more in my novel. Or at the very least planning more, or developing the characters or ANYTHING to do with it. But no, those deliveries are way too important because I don't want to lose my A++ rating and make my customers mad at me... Yeah, I've got a problem I think.
So! My new current attempt is to stop going on Facebook as often as I have been. I am limiting myself to twice a day from now on (and yes, it's totally to check My Shops, or maybe play Tetris Battle which is also ridiculously fun and addicting but at least has a battery so I have to stop playing at SOME point...) and only AFTER I've written something, and this blog doesn't count in that because I don't want it to become as bad of a distraction as Facebook already is. It's one thing to write this out quickly and then promise to go back to writing, it's another thing to just spend hours writing here instead. It's interesting but like Facebook, not very useful at this point.
Hopefully I'll be able to conquer the enemy and actually get something done today.
Progress…? Originally Published on 31/08/2011
This isn't the first time I've written this novel but the last time was so horribly convoluted by the time I finished it didn't actually make any sense. I tried to keep an overview of each chapter to remind myself not only where I was going but where I had been but I kept changing it as I changed the story and didn't go back to re-write the parts that no longer made sense. This time I don't think I can do that since going back to rewrite major sections of the story seems impossible for me. I don't even want to re-read my first draft it was so painful in my own eyes.
So, this time, I'm doing a thorough bio for each character. I've found going through and doing a list of wants and desires as well as secrets for each character is a really helpful way to not only get to know them better, but to really decipher their motivations for the story. This seems to help a great deal in regards to the plot, especially considering I've realized that two characters I was going to throw out I had to keep and two characters I was going to keep I had to throw out because they belong in the second book. (Yes, this one was always designed to be two). Anyway, I've completely overhauled the basis for the story and now I've got to rework the entire plot to make the story work. Ugh, not only that but I'm not really certain where I"m going with it anymore so I've got to do some serious plotting to see what kinds of things are still going to happen and what's going to stop.
Also, I've discovered that the deities I've created for this world probably have way too much interaction with the regular humans. How are the characters supposed to do anything themselves if the gods are so accessible. So now I'm having to go through and rework my religious systems, in this case probably making them more important than they were before and the gods a little less accessible and faith a little more important. That works well enough with my own faith since I realize how important faith is in life, but it does make it more interesting planning out what's going to happen to the characters. Originally I figured it would be much more action oriented, now it's turning into more of an intrigue. I think I'm missing a character or two still so I'll have to go through again and figure out what's missing, but overall I feel pretty good about the direction the characters and the story in general are heading.
This story is really important for a number of reasons so I think once I've finished the first two novels the rest of the novels will be a great deal easier. To give you an idea I've created a world with over 14 "land masses". Technically some of the land masses are actually a collection of islands but I've given them one general name eve though there's no actual relation between some of their civilizations. (I'm a little lazy I guess). And of course the greatest majority of those lands that I've already developed have different countries and societies on them. I'm running into more of a problem keeping track of them and seeing how they interact differently in a world view sense than for this story. This story fortunately only touches three places that will eventually be countries on one continent, but I've also created a historical time line for the majority of the world with major events included as well as several specific to this continent so now the story's got to be placed in time as well as in place and I've got to keep track of the stories of the past as well as the future. There's also two other stories around this same timeline that will be in this continent that I"ll have to take into account during the creation of this one.
You see why this story's so important, it's really the first introduction to my world and the intricacies involved and I can't even throw everything onto the pages because of the sheer volume. When I eventually get published (and this isn't meant to be arrogant, it's simply an acknowledgement that that's what i"m going for and I have faith enough in myself and what I'm doing to recognize I'm going to keep going until I do get published), I'm going to have so much information for the entirety of the world that I think I'll probably have more than enough to create a book detailing everything in the world and perhaps more than one for separate points in time. UGH... I love my world, don't get me wrong and once the first book's published I'll be a little more detailed with certain names and stuff, but I think I bit off way more than I expected when I started this world years ago. Fortunately I don't seem able to stop and really when I've come this far stopping would just be stupid... why put so much effort into something that will never see the light of day?
Keep going... just have to keep going. And on that note, I'm going to go see if I can work through what character is missing to make this plot (this time) actually work long term. I'll also see if I can figure out some major plot points that I can then have the characters work toward. Oh and of course keep things and threads in line for book two... I'm so glad I'm writing this blog...
Blogging Problems.
Originally Published on 07/09/2011
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