So today started out with the best of intentions. I was going to finish chapter 2! I was going to sit down and work out the details I need to figure it out and get it written.
As you can probably guess that didn't happen. I am having such writer's block with this one and it's really bothering me because Chapter 1 started off so well and ended with me being satisfied if not 100% happy with it and now chapter 2 has be totally stumped. Do I start off with the same character from chapter 1? Do I move to one of the other characters and if so which one? What works the best, what will be the smoothest... ugh.
I actually think one of the biggest reasons that I'm struggling with chapter 2 is because of stress. When stressor after stressor gets dropped on you all on the same day it has a way to stifle creativity. But in all fairness I was kind of having the same problem before today. So what to do with writer's block?
Today I've done a lot of networking, critiqued some other people's works (I hope I was useful) partly to be useful, partly because I eventually want my work critiqued and partly because I wanted to and spent some time with my mom.
I also worried about work (or lack there-of), worried about not being able to crack Chapter 2, and before I knew it found everything around me that I had ever worried about in the last month kind of attacking me. This made me feel a lot like the world is falling apart. It makes me feel sick and weary very quickly and the last thing I do is want to write. So what am I doing about it? I'm writing a blog post and later I think I will go and work on a short story for awhile. Who knows, maybe it'll help knock something loose. Right now I need something I'm not so worried about screwing up and I think that's what's happening with Chapter 2. If I can't get my groove going again by the end of Friday after trying to write something else for awhile then I'll move back to the drawing board and re-consider the storyline. I was pretty sure this would be chapter 1, but who knows, maybe I'm still searching. At least blogging is writing about something.